Anies Khan

Anies is an Analyst at Greenfield. Before joining, he gained experience in venture capital at DvH Ventures and coparion.

Anies holds a Master of Science degree in Finance from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Publications from Anies

  • _Investments
    Tags: Published On: April 5th, 2023

    While Web2 companies may use many advertising methods to drive users to their services and products, the same tools and strategies often don't work in Web3. This is where DappBack, a Web3-native platform for community engagement and user acquisition, comes in. We are excited to co-lead DappBack’s $2.5M seed round with IOSG Ventures.

  • _Research
    Tags: , Published On: February 25th, 2023

    Web2 Online Dating might be the next industry that will be disrupted by Web3 technologies. In this research article, we present potential key features a Web3 dating service, protocol or offering could or should include.