Christian Zimmermann
Christian is Partner and Chief Legal Officer at Greenfield, leading the implementation of its investment decisions as well as regulatory, compliance, and policy efforts. Christian studied at Bucerius Law School and Duke University. He is a transaction expert and former big law partner with well over EUR 10bn in transaction volume. Christian made the switch to crypto early and built the crypto practice at his previous firm.
Publications from Christian
- _Research
On 23 February, Germany will elect a new parliament. The election comes in a year when Germany and Europe need to set their decisive course as a leading hub for the crypto industry and blockchain as a key technology. Together with Areta, we have compiled a position paper on the levers for innovation-friendly conditions and regulatory clarity for entrepreneurs, users and investors.
- _Research
Privacy is under attack. The most successful corporations of our time have built their entire business model on surveillance capitalism. The blockchain is – in its most fundamental form as a public ledger of all transactions – a privacy hell. In this multi-disciplinary essay, we summarise where Greenfield stands on this issue and explore how crypto-native solutions can address the tension between public interest and the personal need for privacy.